Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The List: 101 Things to Do Before I Go to College

1.     Start a blog
2.     Read 200 books
3.     Run a 10k
4.     Meet the Barrack Obama
5.     Make a cake that is not only edible, but enjoyable
6.     Watch IMDB’s 250 Best movies of all time
7.     Learn how to edit movie on IMovie
8.     Find another hair style besides curly
9.     Get an internship
10.   Learn how to use Photoshop
11.  Write (or start to write) a novel
12.  Become a National Merit semi-finalist (or finalist)
13.  Go two months without wearing the same exact outfit
14.  Break dance in Time Square
15.  Reorganize my closet and keep it organized
16.   Take a picture of everyone that is close to me
17.  Get rid of all of my clothes that don’t fit me
18.  Become fluent in Spanish
19.  Donate my hair to Locks of Love
20.   Travel to 10 new countries
21.  Learn how to apply makeup properly
22.  Learn to play an instrument
23.  Be a vegetarian for a month
24.  Change somebodies life
25.   Build something by myself (with power tools)
26.  Paint my nails 20 different colors
27.   Learn how to take a good picture
28.  Go to 20 new states
29.  Win a bet
30.  Kick a 20 yard field goal
31.  Make a vase on a pottery wheel
32.   Take a yoga class
33.  Learn how to decorate a cake
34.  Learn how to draw something that’s not a stick figure
35.  Sew an article of clothing that I would wear outside of the house
36.  Knit a scarf
37.  Sing karaoke
38.  Win the science fair
39.  Hike the Appalachian mountains
40.  Hike to Phantom Ranch at the bottom of the Grand Canyon
41.  Go camping
42.   Try a food whose name I can’t pronounce
43.  Eat at a 5 star restaurant
44.  Build a house of cards
45.  Paint a room
46.  Be on ESPN
47.  Meet a celebrity
48.  Eat something that I grow
49.  Ride a horse
50.   Climb to the top of a lighthouse
51.  Do a public service project
52.  Swim with dolphins in the Caribbean
53.  Make a mosaic of sea glass that I collected
54.  Make a quilt
55.  Make pasta from scratch
56.  Paint a picture on an canvas
57.  Make cupcakes for a bake sale
58.  Ride in a sail boat
59.  Have enough jewelry to be able to accessorize any outfit
60.  See a play on Broadway
61.   Go to a fashion show
62.  Ride on a parade float
63.  Make a family tree
64.  Redo my wardrobe
65.  Have my name published in the news/magazine
66.  Be in the audience of a where they take off
67.  Get my drivers license
68.  Do a cartwheel on the great wall of China
69.  Go Christmas caroling
70.  Jump on a pogo stick 5 consecutive times
71.  Throw a surprise party
72.   Go three days without using any technology what so ever
73.   Volunteer at a soup kitchen
74.  Play an April Fool’s joke
75.   Learn to roll my R’s
76.  Walk a dog twice a day for a month (and then decide if I still want one)
77.  Find my perfect pair of jeans
78.  Ride in a hot air balloon
79.  Do a hard Sudoku puzzle in under 15 minutes
80.   Bowl over 100
81.  Watch bird eggs hatch
82.  Fly a kite on the beach
83.   Go fishing
84.   Take art lessons
85.  Make homemade ice cream
86.  Take cooking lessons
87.   By something from a flea market
88.   Go paragliding
89.   Find my signature smell
90.  Buy something ridiculously over priced
91.  Find the perfect purse
92.  Feed a zoo animal out of my hand
93.  Go on a multi-state road trip
94.  Stay awake for 48 hours
95.  Vote
96.  Make a duct tape boat
97.  Donate to a cause that I am passionate about
98.  Nurse someone, or animal, back to health
99.  Keep a pet gold fish alive for at least 4 months
100.        See an active volcano
101.        Graduate high school with honors